
Nelson Mandela : Breaking News

 Nelson Mandela is the eighth President of Republic of South Africa. He has passed away the other days, however, he made a great contribution to Republic of South Africa. Especially he is famous for having made apartheid organization end.



 Apartheid refers to the apartheid policy that defines the relations of whites and non-whites (black and Asian resident such as from Malaysia India and Pakistan, Mixed people called colored) in South Africa in particular. Black people have been badly discrimination by apartheid. He graduated from the Towa Conwy stealth land University School of Law. And He joined the African National Congress (ANC) in 1944 of the student. But Nelson Mandela became a commander and pioneered military organization. In 1961, for carrying out the opposition movement against apartheid, Nelson Mandela was sentenced to life imprisonment with treason in 1964. But during imprisonment, he won the "Nehru Award" in 1979 and the "Sakharov Prize" in 1988. And he is released in 1990.  After his release, he was appointed vice-chairman of the African National Congress (ANC), in 1991, he was appointed to the chair. Moreover, he abolished population Registration Act, indigenous land law and the Group Areas Act which are the basis of apartheid law in June 1991, and he won Nobel Peace Prize with Dekuraku on December 10 in 1993. Black also obtained the right to vote by this, Nelson Mandela became President of South Africa, he worked the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against, disparities, and economic measures. Nelson hand over to Thabo Mbeki of Vice President the seat of chairman of the ANC Party Congress in December 1997. February 5, 1999, he made ​​a speech at the National Assembly last. He retired from the world of politics opportunity general election the same year.


 After retirement, he delivered a speech for the first time in the United Nations Security Council on January 19, 2000. However, prostate cancer was discovered in July 2001, he received radiation treatment for seven weeks. He passed away December 5, 2013, memorial ceremony of former President Mandela was held at the largest city Johannesburg. In addition to tens of thousands of people have attended, such as Prime Minister Cameron of the United Kingdom and former President Bill Clinton of the United States attended. In the ceremony, U.S. President Barack Obama who revered former president Mandela has said a message of condolence, and praise his achievements. His memorial ceremony was held also in Tokyo.

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